Peter Edelmann was a co-founder of the Borderlines podcast and immigration lawyer who was appointed to the British Columbia Supreme Court in December, 2019.
#99 – When will Express Entry Points Decrease, with Amandeep Hayer
Amandeep Hayer is the founder of Hayer Law, a Vancouver immigration law firm.
The Express Entry points requirement is currently higher than it has ever been. In this episode we discuss when they are likely to decrease.
We also discuss a recent Ontario court decision which struck down Canada’s two generation limit on citizenship by descent.
Finally, Steve recently listened to a podcast which stated that the following are five signs that a lawyer is not taking their practice seriously. They are: (1) the lawyer answers their own phone rather than having calls go through a receptionist, (2) they use a non-professional e-mail account like gmail, (3) they meet potential clients at coffee shops, (4) they lower their fees when pressured, and (5) they have many practice areas. We also discuss not having a website, Law Society sanctions and Google reviews.
00:00 – Introduction and Express Entry
28:00 – Ontario decision striking down citizenship by descent limitation
37:00 – Are these signs that a lawyer is not taking their practice seriously?
#98 – The Ban on Islamic Adoptions, with Warda Shazadi Meighen
Warda Shazadi Meighen is an immigration lawyer in Toronto and the founder of Landings Law.
Canadian immigration legislation states that adoptions that can lead to immigration must create a legal parent-child relationship and sever the pre-existing legal parent-child relationship. Many Islamic countries have adoption, or guardianship, regimes based on kafala law, by which adoptive parents become the sponsor or guardians of a child, but the pre-existing legal parent-child relationship is not severed. As a consequence, adoptions from many Muslim countries are not recognized under Canadian immigration law. Warda has launched a Charter challenge to change this.
#97 – Statelessness, with Jamie Chai Yun Liew
Jamie Chai Yun Liew is a Professor at the University of Ottawa and the author of Ghost Citizens – Decolonial Apparitions of Stateless, Foreign and Wayward Figures in Law.
In this episode we discuss statelessness, which is when someone does not have citizenship in any country because of the operation of law.
We discuss how people can become stateless, citizenship revocation, the Federal Court of Appeal decision in Budlakoti, how lack of documentation can lead to lack of citizenship, challenging statelessness, and more.