
Borderlines is a podcast that was co-founded by Steven Meurrens, Deanna Okun-Nachoff and Peter Edelmann, in July 2016. Peter Edelmann left the program in December 2020, after having been called to the bench of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, leaving just the two existing co-hosts, Steven Meurrens and Deanna Okun-Nachoff.

Borderlines ran as a purely-audio format podcast until January 2024, at which point our YouTube Channel was launched. Most episodes are now posted in both audio-only and full video format.

Episodes feature discussions – often with a special guest – on Canadian immigration and border-related issues. We are also beginning to venture into various other complimentary political and social justice topics affecting Canadians.

We welcome feedback about the show, and encourage you to subscribe to one of our podcast channels (we are hosted on ACast, which publishes on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts among other podcast channels). You can also find updates by following our RSS feed, or our LinkedIn page.

Thank you for your interest in our show!