Episode 34 – Canada and the Compact for Migration, with François Crépeau

François Crépeau is a Professor at the McGill Faculty of Law and the Director of the Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism. He was the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants from 2011 to 2017.

Peter Edelmann and François discuss migration issues generally, the Compact for Migration, and its implication for Canadian immigration and refugee law.

This episode was recorded before Peter Edelmann was appointed to the British Columbia Supreme Court.

4:15 – What does a UN special rapporteur on migration do?
8:00 – What impacts could climate change have on the future of global migration patterns?
10:37 – How does Canadian refugee law address the issue of climate refugees?
21:00 – What led up to the Compact on Global Migration and what preceded it? How has migration historically been monitored / governed on a global scale?
28:00 – What is the international definition of a refugee?
31:3– What percentage of migrants would qualify as refugees?
33:30 – What is the Global Compact on Migration?

One thought on “Episode 34 – Canada and the Compact for Migration, with François Crépeau

  1. General comment on the podcast as the contact link doesn’t work : I was really excited to find a Canadian podcast on how the law intersects with Canadian life and culture… I was surprised by the low number of subscribers… Until I tried to listen to an episode… The topics are very interesting and the discussion is good but the poor sound quality is very off-putting – feels like listening to someone on speakerphone. Keep up the good work and consider better recording quality if at all possible as your subscribers will go up when listening isn’t a chore. Risa RN BSN CDE in BC

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